简介: Troubled by bouts of sleepwalking and disturbing nightmares, graduate student Sarah Foster goes to her university sleep research center for help. But when she wakes up after her first night of being monitored, the world she lives in seems to have changed in subtle, Twilight-Zone-esque ways.
6.0 布莱特妮·奥格拉迪/詹姆斯·莫罗西尼/阿莉西娅·戴柏南·凯里/德文·特雷尔/嘉文·莱特伍德/蕾娜·哈迪斯蒂/妮娜·布隆加登/大卫·汤普森/麦蒂森·达文波特/Myhraliza Aala/Tyrone J. Criss/A. Brian Daniels/Francisco Diego Garcia/Tommy Hestmark/Timothy Krabill/Jesaar Landavaso/海莉·基娜·劳腾巴赫/达娜·米利肯/John Michael Murphey/阿里·诺德利/